Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This picture was taken by me, of some random buildings. This is in down town Des Moines, but I think this looks like a much bigger city like Chicago or New York. I just think this picture is pretty good.

Des Monies Library

This is the Des Moines Library located in downtown Des Moines. I have never been in this building before because it is a library, but I might end up going in it just once to see what it is like. All I know is that this building is pretty sweet because it is all copper and is very very shiny. It is a fairly big library but I have seen bigger.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Back of Black Snow Man

Back of Black Snow Man is the name of this art piece. I like this piece because it is different if you think about it. Back of black snow man, well back of the snow man is almost never looked at. A black snow man has never ben done before it is so original. I like being original.

Letter Person

I don't really know the name of this art piece but it is still pretty sweet. This is such a cool art piece because you can tell that somebody really used their imagination to design it. I like it because it is so big. It is cool to think that you can make things out of letters other than words.

The Shovel

This is probably one of my favorite art sculptures because it is so simple but so cool. I love this picture that I took because you can see the flowers in the background. Another reason I like it is because it is just kind of random, it is just sitting in between a bunch of buildings. Well... it is right out side the Meredith building and Meredith is the company the publishes Better Homes and Gardens Magazine.

Art Center

This is the Des Moines Art Center. It is a very modern building and looks pretty sweet too. I like it because it is way different then any other buildings you usually see. I think this would be a sweet house to live in, because nobody else would have a house like you. The clean lines and many windows let your imagination go.

Jewish Synagogue

uThis is a Jewish Synagogue that is found in Des Moines. It is pretty old and the architecture can tell you that. I have been in this building it is very cool on the inside, there is a big dome and it has gold leaf all over it. The building itself it not that big but from the it side it looks much bigger.